【柔和的音乐开始播放】屏幕上的视频:一名女学生背对着镜头走,手里拿着盘子。她和另一个学生打了个招呼,然后转向一张白色的自助餐桌。屏幕上的视频:一名食品服务人员站在自助餐厅后面,放了一盘炒鸡蛋。屏幕上的视频:一名学生用自助早餐填满了她的盘子。屏幕上的视频:一名学生独自坐在桌子旁。在另一张桌子上,一个学生坐在和另一个站在黑白瓷砖地板上的学生交谈。屏幕上的视频显示:4-5名学生端着盘子从自助餐台前走过。屏幕上的视频:一名食品服务人员戴着手套的手从一个棕色的农产品盒子里拿起一个土豆,用一把大刀把它切成两半。镜头切换到食品服务人员微笑的镜头。屏幕上的视频:一名女学生穿过门口,进入主餐厅。 Video on screen: A student sits at a table working on a laptop computer. She eats an apple and a coffee mug rests on the table. A student walks into the “gluten sensitive station.” There are words written in many colors on the black chalk board-like door. She pulls the lever of a cereal dispenser and cereal is released into the white bowl she holds. She scoops out cereal from a white bowl Video on screen: A female student presses a touch screen with the Starbucks logo on it. She presses her choice and then walks away with the cup of coffee, smiling. Video on screen: A student picks up an apple off a shelf and walks out of the frame revealing section of the buffet. Another student stands at the buffet making her food selection. Video on screen: A tight shot of the beginning of the salad bar. A sign reads “salad toss” and “Choose the salad of the day or customize your own. Then we toss it, fresh to order.” Video on screen: A silver station reads, “Step 1: Choose your greens.” “Kale, Romaine, Spring Mix, Spinach.” Video on screen: A wide shot of students working and eating in the main room of the dining room.