(欢快的罂粟音乐开始播放)屏幕上的视频:一架摄像机从阴影笼罩的开放入口走廊快速掠过,进入Hoop咖啡馆。Hoop咖啡馆的标志亮着。标志是“Cafe Hoop”用棕色印刷体写的。箍中的“o”被交织在一起的箍或环所取代。屏幕上的视频:一个镜头聚焦在一个枝形吊灯的叶子和宝丽来。背景是在柜台后面工作的Cafe Hoop员工。屏幕上的视频:一名学生为她的零食付钱,并把钱交给了Cafe Hoop的工作人员。屏幕上的视频:一名学生在酒吧对面与一名员工交谈。屏幕上的视频:挂在绿色墙上的Cafe Hoop菜单。选项写在黑板上。“咸味”的标题用橙色粉笔写着:咸味的选项和它们的选项都写了出来(它们包括Nachos, Doritos Nachos, Burritos, Pizza Bagels等等)。 On the other side the title sweet is written in light blue chalk. The options and their prices for sweet foods include Nutella croissant, Oreos and Peanut Butter, Dessert Sandwich and more. The extras that students can add to their meals are also written on the chalkboard. Next to the chalkboard are personal items like drawings and quotes. Video on screen: A smiling student talks to an employee from across the bar. Video on screen: A close up of a drawing that hangs on the green wall. The drawing includes two students holding different plates of food, holding hands. One student has a Hoop slung across her shoulder. “Co-op cooperation” is written above the students and below the students “El table loves the Hoop”. The “loves” is replaced with a red heart. Video on screen: A close up shot of a paper origami cranes hanging from the ceiling. Video on screen: A shot of a jewelry box now filled with different types of teas. A Ken doll dressed up in a blue dress sits on top of another box filled with tea. In front of these boxes are stacked microwaveable Mac and Cheese and cups of gummy bears and a box mini rice crisp treats. Video on screen: A shot of a student and an employee talking from across the bar. Video on screen: A long shot of two students sit down together on a red plush couch. There are two patterned chairs beside this couch and painted tables in front of the couch. Behind the couch, on the wall, are different posters and signs and paintings. In the corner of the room is an old pac man game machine. Video on screen: A medium shot of the two students talking on the couch. Video on screen: A close up of a grumpy cat stuffed animal on the black counter. Video on screen: A student’s works on her computer at a brown wooden table. The wall next to her is painted sky blue with six large different mugs painted on top of that. The mugs include a purple mug, a white mug, a mug with a landscape on it, a mug with a rainbow on it, and a mug with a cat and paw prints on it. Video on screen: A employee picks a mug from the top shelf to show to the camera. Video on screen: A medium close up of the student holding the mug in her hands on display, smiling. The mug is decorated with a smile. Behind her a coworker works. Video on screen: A shot of the gloved hands of the employee sprinkling cheese on top of tortilla chips. Video on screen: Two student sit at a booth talking. Video on screen: The employee carries Nachos to the customers. Video on screen: A close up shot of a student picking a chip and the melted cheese pulling from the plate. Video on screen: A medium shot of the two students eating their nachos and laughing. Video on screen: A shot of the Cafe Hoop sign against the yellow wall.