屏幕上的视频:科学中心的天花板被窗户的阳光照亮,一个广角镜头向下延伸,可以看到建筑的顶层,混凝土结构,有黑色栏杆,一直到科学中心的一楼,学生们坐在不同的桌子旁学习。屏幕上的视频:漏水烧杯标志的特写镜头。牌子上用细细的白色印刷体写着“漏水的烧杯”。文字旁边是一个2d倾斜的橙色烧杯,里面装满了一种神秘的蓝色液体。单词和烧杯被围在一个蓝色的正方形中。屏幕上的视频:摄像机从后面跟着一名学生从科学中心的走廊进入商场。屏幕上的视频:摄像机跟着同一名学生,从前门端着一杯咖啡进入商场。屏幕上的视频:一个学生停在三明治和寿司前的中景镜头。食物被整齐地堆放在一个倾斜的地方,以显示在冷藏货架上的选择。屏幕上的视频:学生伸手到最底下的架子上拿起一包寿司。 Video on screen: A shot focused on the Gluten Free sign on the yellow wall. Below this sign are the gluten free options on a shelf, which includes Kettle Chips and Pirates Booty and more. Video on screen: A shot of a sign that says “Failure is only the opportunity to more intelligently begin again” rests on a wall painted with a dark blue brain and stars and the cosmos. The words are in black capital letters on a wooden block. Video on screen: A shot pans across a table with utensil holders, a basket of green apples, containers of hot sauce, different oatmeals, paper bowls, and buckets of soup. Video on screen: A shot of two students picking their Naked Juice drinks from a refrigerator. Video on screen: A shot of two students deciding what type of Peet’s coffee they would like to drink. Video on screen: A close up shot of a student pouring steaming coffee into a paper mug. Video on screen: Two students pouring sugar from a packet into their coffee. Video on screen: A profile shot of the well liked, smiling cashier taking the student’s card to pay for her coffee. Video on screen: A low shot of a fake penguin wearing purple beaded necklaces and a funky scarf made up of plastic stars in a glass container. Video on screen: A close up shot of two students smiling at each other Video on screen: A close up shot of a student’s hands stirring her drink with a wooden coffee stirrer.