[大声的钢琴音乐响起]屏幕上的视频:由于从天花板到地板的窗户,摄像机在一个光线充足的空间中缓慢移动。在这张广角镜头中,摄像机捕捉到了10张间隔均匀的桌子,每张桌子上大约有2-4名女学生在吃饭。学生们身后的墙上有不同的艺术品。摄像机的平底锅继续展示甜点的玻璃柜和连接玻璃柜的柜台。屏幕上的视频:女学生们正在白色墙上各色各样的油画下面吃饭。屏幕上的视频:一个长长的木制削皮工具放在一个火红的砖炉烤箱里,旁边是一个烤比萨饼。屏幕上的视频:一名女学生打开了甜点陈列处的玻璃门,用金属夹子伸进门里,把她选好的甜点放进一个白色的碗里,以便安全保存。屏幕上的视频:镜头切换到一个中景,两个微笑的学生坐在一张桌子旁,靠一扇落地窗吃甜点。屏幕上的视频:摄像头显示了三种更大的透明分配器中的水果浸泡水。屏幕上的视频:在一个长镜头中,摄像机在白色的墙上展示了餐厅的许多牌匾、镶框的照片和装饰。 Video on screen: A student walks past four high tables filled with students eating. Video on screen: The camera looks through one of the large windows to an empty lower level of the dining hall that is outside. This small, narrow, level contains wire chairs and about 3 tables. Video on screen: The camera cuts to a wide shot of students eating at three different tables. They are backlit by the sunlight streaming in from the ceiling to floor windows. Video on screen: The camera walks towards a student adding extra vegetables to her plate and the end of the line to get a plate of food from a chef. Video on screen. The camera cuts to a medium-long shot of two students eating desserts at a small round table. They are backlit by the sunlight streaming in from the ceiling to floor windows. The unique architecture that contains no 90 degree angles of the white roof of the dining hall reflects the sun.