[缓慢舒缓的音乐开始播放]屏幕上的视频:镜头从餐厅外面对准餐厅,经过用深色木头框起来的敞开的玻璃窗和木拱门下面。这个房间被六根白色柱子分成三部分。简单的蜡烛枝形吊灯均匀地悬挂在整个房间,左边两个,中间三个,左边两个。中间部分是深色木制的长矩形桌子。每一侧都有均匀分布的深色木制圆形桌子。卫尔斯理的学生就坐在这些桌子旁吃饭。屏幕上的视频:镜头扫过挂在伦敦塔白墙上的黑白照片。照片中,两名卫尔斯理学生正享受着一顿晚餐,他们的餐桌上装饰着一支点燃的蜡烛。屏幕上的视频:白色的墙壁上挂着另一张加框的黑白照片,照片上是两名卫尔斯理学生坐在沙发上用茶杯喝茶。枝形吊灯上的烛光反射在这张照片的玻璃上。 The rectangular casements windows of tower are open in the out of focus background. Video on screen: A close-up image of a dark wooden chair with the Wellesley “W” engraved into the back. Students are eating at the respective tables in the background. Video on screen: The camera pans across the table of three students laughing and enjoying their meal at a table. Video on screen: The camera follows the hands of a worker preparing a dish. They use silver tongs put salsa onto the bed of lettuce that’s on the white plate in their hand and move on to add peppers from a different bowl. Video on screen: A medium shot of six heads of lettuce in a silver rectangular pot Video on screen: A medium shot of three purple onions, and several red and green peppers in a silver rectangular pot. Video on screen: The camera pans from the top of the dining hall’s entrance to the inside. The entrance is a dark wooden arch with the Wellesley “W” etched into the peak. The dark wooden doors and open into the dining hall. The inside shows a wide entrance way to the dining hall that splits off into different sections to pick food. A student in the entrance way walks past a gray bulletin board filled with different flyers. In front of the bulletin board is a small, narrow medium brown table with a napkin dispenser and salt and pepper shakers beside it. Video on screen: A close up shot of a student at a table twirling spaghetti onto her silver fork off her white plate. Her phone and glasses are on either side of her plate and she has a plastic cup filled halfway with apple juice in front of her plate. An open pink water bottle sits besides her, as well. Video on screen: A medium shot of three students eating at a table, laughing and enjoying each others company. Video on screen: A shot of a wooden basket on it’s short side so that the opening of the basket faces the camera. Yellow bananas rest on top of each other in the basket, the stems of the bananas facing out. Behind this basket, students are in line, adding items to their salads. A student is adding dressing to her salad. Video on screen: The camera focus on the salad bar. “SALAD” is written in printed white block letters on the glass above the salad bar. A student beside this sign pours dressing on her salad. Video on screen: The camera pans horizontally across the occupied dining hall tables. Video on screen: Students walk in between the dining hall area with tables and the dining hall area with food to eat.