亚博电竞官网韦尔斯利学院主页描述性笔录2022屏幕上的视频:一位教授与她的学生交谈,坐在外面的圈子里。他们坐在可食用生态系统中的树木包围的石头上。屏幕上的视频:一位教授与学生交谈和打手势。学生鼓掌,点头和笑声。学生和教授都戴着口罩,坐在一张长桌子周围。屏幕上的视频:韦尔斯利排球队练习在体育馆内进行。屏幕上的视频:三个学生坐在沙发和椅子上,在Slater中心客厅里谈论和喝茶。一个学生在后台倒茶。所有的学生都被掩盖了。屏幕上的视频:一个学生坐在草地上,在树下,读一本书,阳光下。 Lake Waban is in the background. The water is bright blue. It's a sunny clear day. Video on screen: A student sits on a couch at the Hub in the Science Center. The student is reading a book. There are students in the background sitting at different tables and walking. All the students are masked. Video on screen: A group of students stand in a lab piping liquid into test tubes, smiling as they work. Video on screen: A student speaks and gestures sitting at a desk in a classroom. Another student sits besides them on the right. Both students are masked. Video on screen: Two students walk across Severance Green. The grass is green behind them. Tall trees take up the foreground. The sun is high in the sky. Video on screen: A camera crew of students records a student performing. They are set up outside between Pendleton and Jewett. The student performing is sitting on a stool with a booth displayed behind them. The crew stands and sits across from the performer around two cameras while one person holds a boom microphone. Video on screen: A student in a mask prunes a plant in the greenhouse. The greenhouse is light and airy with plants sitting on tables behind and in front of the student. Video on screen: A student in a mask sits in front of an easel and paints on a large sheet of paper. The student holds a slice of an orange in one hand while their other hand paints the orange slice. Another student in the background is also painting on an easel. Video on screen: A professor and a group of students stand around a table in a lab. The table is covered with bowls and jars containing food, bread, tomatoes, and liquids. The professor and two other students knead mozzarella cheese while the other students stand and watch them. The students and professor are all masked. Video on screen: A group of masked students sit around a coffee table playing a card game. One student looks at a card and bursts into laughter. Video on screen: A sidewalk curves around tall pampas grass. Galen Stone Tower stands high above the tree tops in the background. The light is golden and the trees are green with a hint of red. Video on screen: A drone shot of Lake Waban with students rowing across the water. The sky is blue and the sun is high and bright.