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Save the date! June 3-5

We are optimistic that we will be able to welcome classes ending in 2 and 7 to campus for a reunion in June. As we proceed with planning an in-person reunion, it is clear there will be some notable differences this year.

COVID-19 Information: Please be aware that Reunion programming may change due to public health and safety measures, and we will adapt as needed.

  • Proof of Covid-19 vaccination will be requiredfor alum attendees and guests. Current campus policy requires a booster shot and masks to be worn inside all buildings and at large outdoor gatherings.

  • Hotel rooms can be reserved now.We hope to offer some housing on campus, however, room availability will be limited due to planned campus construction and potential health and safety protocols.

  • Some hybrid programming will be availablefor alums to participate from any location. Classes may plan virtual gatherings in advance of reunion weekend in June.

  • Outreach to classes ending in 2 and 7 will be primarily through emailin order to share up-to-date information as it is available.Please keep your email addresses current with the College. Changes can be made directly using theUpdate Your Profilebutton on the home page of this siteor by