Cat Jaffee ’08 at work in Angola on her podcast Guardians of the River.
Photo provided by National Geographic Okavango Wilderness Project


E.B. Bartels ’10

“My friends joke that my life sounds like a game of Mad Libs,” says Cat Jaffee ’08. “‘Honey hunter in eastern Turkey’ and ‘podcaster in rural Angola’ sound like made-up jobs.” But Jaffee has been both, as well as a rural-development business owner, a Fulbright scholar, a communications director, and a国家地理探险家受助人。“没有我在Wellesley的机会,我没有办法导致如此非常规生活,”她说。

Jaffee arrived at Wellesley in fall 2005 after transferring from New York University: “You can live in a city the rest of your life, but you can only go to college once,” she says. She wanted a small liberal arts college and access to “all the fellowships, all the cool programs, all the unique opportunities I’d never get to have at another point in my life.”

在校园里,哈菲是船员团队的队长和Wellesley的Edware Group成员严肃, alongside阿里巴瑟韦尔'10andClaire Ayoub'11. Jaffee credits Dead Serious with teaching her how to be a creative problem solver: “When you do improv with a group of women-identifying people, that means every character in every sketch is played by a woman. You need someone to play the president of the United States? It’s going to be a woman. A terrorist? A woman. A serial killer? Also a woman. You get to play all the parts, and imagine yourself in roles that you might not normally have.”

But it was her off-campus experiences while at Wellesley that changed the course of Jaffee’s life: She spent the summer of 2007 in rural Japan as a劳劳学者and traveled to Bihar, India, for the fall semester of her junior year, where she lived and studied in a Buddhist monastery. “I meditated six hours a day and learned about the philosophy of the mind, and studied with all these different monks,” she says. “When else in your life do you get to do something like that other than during college?”

Claire Ayoub'11(left) and Cat Jaffee ’08 inside Jaffee’s House of Pod.


During that time, Jaffee also fell in love with honey. Many of the rural, nearly abandoned villages in Turkey she traveled to had been taken over by migratory beekeepers, and Jaffee began to study and document them. Soon, she was applying for more grants and funding, and she ended up spending five years in Turkey studying bees and beekeepers. She even began her own business,Balyolu:蜂蜜路, a honey-tasting trekking company that supported women entrepreneurs in local villages.

Jaffee returned to the United States in 2014 as the political situation in Turkey was becoming less stable. Once she was back, she felt depressed and lost. “I had developed all these really specific skills,” Jaffee says. “While many of my friends had learned how to live in cool apartments, or find partners and have kids, or develop careers, I could differentiate different kinds of honey and speak Turkish fluently. I could barter and hustle in several very specific regional languages. I could repair a car on the side of the road and jump borders easily. But I didn’t know how to be part of conventional American society.”


播客变成了詹菲尔的下一个重点:“我刚知道我不得不制作这个媒介。”但哈菲的进入播客世界的高成本受到沮丧 - 昂贵的装备,需要一个安静的工作室空间,所有软件的成本 - 加上该行业由白人主导的事实,独联体男性。哈菲耶尔彼得在经济上有特权;她的父亲在她年轻的时候去世了,随着遗产他离开了她,她在她的家庭州买了大都会的房产,她在2016年开始进入一个双工并租用。


Cat Jaffee ’08


In addition to running House of Pod, Jaffee produced podcasts for Rocky Mountain PBS, SAPIENS magazine, and the Denver Museum of Nature and Science, among others. In 2019, she was awarded another国家地理探险家讲故事,这次她前往安哥拉东部纪念Okavango水系统的故事。四个月,她与35个科学家的大篷车一起生活在一部分在安哥拉的野生动物,几十年来到公众。通过泥炭沼泽来记录蝙蝠,避免地雷,囤积足够的煤气和食物,持续数月,悬挂在卡车后面,同时伸出她的麦克风,听到人们的故事 - 哈菲回到她的元素中。

但这是一个艰难的四个月:贾菲感觉病情加重and sicker, and by the time she flew back to Colorado in February 2020, she could barely walk and had a massive bulge in her side. After several doctors dismissed her concerns, a physician who had spent time in Sierra Leone happened to treat Jaffee in the ER. He quickly figured out that Jaffee had malaria and dengue fever; later on, after a surgery gone wrong, Jaffee was also diagnosed with ovarian cancer.


尽管如此,哈菲仍然在她的播客项目上工作。她通过她在安哥拉录制的数千小时的录像带中排序,她拼凑在一起,通过使用声音设计师和作曲家来找到连接。她发布了Guardians of the River在2021年夏季,该系列赢得了在播客码号的Shetribeca电影节和杰克逊狂野媒体奖的2021年最佳叙事非小费播客奖。哈菲德在完成化疗待遇的一周年纪念日出版了最后一集;她的癌症已经进入缓解。现在,她正在与之合作野鸟信托to have the podcast episodes translated into Portuguese and Tswana, and distributed to radio stations in Angola and Botswana.

And after that, who knows? “We need to have imagination and creativity if we are going to make our way in the world,” Jaffee says. “You have to follow the things that light you up.”