Exploring Careers in the Health Professions

Working in a health profession can provide you with an interesting, satisfying, and stimulating career that will allow you to help others.

Download the pdf overview of Health Professions at Wellesley.

There are many careers in healthcare, so explore them fully before narrowing your interests. Here are some of the questions you will find yourself asking:

  1. What kind of careers are out there?
  2. What kind of preparation will I need?
  3. How long is the training for a particular career?
  4. What kinds of responsibilities will I have?
  5. How do I go about getting the appropriate training?
  6. How much will my education/training cost?
  7. With whom will I interact in this career?
  8. What of lifestyle and salary will I have?

As you begin exploring, these questions may help you consider whether pursuing a career as a health professional is right for you:

  1. Do I enjoy working with people? Am I interested in communicating with individuals of all ages and backgrounds, from all walks of life, in a variety of situations (including stressful ones)?
  2. Am I interested in studying science in detail?
  3. Am I comfortable in a healthcare setting (including clinics, hospitals, emergency rooms)?
  4. Do I enjoy working as a member of a team?
  5. Am I committed to a job that will require keeping up with developments in my field throughout my career?
  6. Am I comfortable with the prospect of possibly dealing with emergencies, working long hours, and making difficult decisions?
  7. Are there other career opportunities that excite me more?

Tools for Exploration

One of the best ways to begin learning about yourself and your values, strengths, and goals is to meet with yourAdvisor for Career Exploration (ACE). Every Wellesley student is assigned a ACE during her four years at Wellesley. This advisor is a terrific resource who will help you identify your interests, create plans, and find opportunities for college and career exploration.

There are many places to find information about health careers, but below are two websites that will give you terrific information with just a few clicks. As you explore careers in health care, talk with professionals about their personal experiences, both positive and negative. Spend time in healthcare settings with patients and observe how health professionals spend their days. Meet with advisors in Career Education to discuss your interests and goals. Your career choice is an important decision and you should research it thoroughly.

  1. US Department of LaborOccupational Outlook Handbook
    This website was created to help people learn about occupations in the US. Go to the website, look at “Occupational Groups” on the left side of the page, and click on “Healthcare.” This will take you to a list of a variety of professions with brief information including a job summary, entry-level education required, and median pay. Click on individual jobs to learn more about what these professionals do, their work environment, job outlook, etc.
  1. ExploreHEALTHCareers.org
    This website was created to help students learn in detail about various health careers. You can learn about whether a health career is right for you, explore careers, find out about enrichment programs and funding opportunities, read about issues in health care education, and much more.

Networking: Wellesley Student Clubs and Alumnae Organizations

One of the best ways to learn about careers in the health professions is to talk with Wellesley students and alumnae. We strongly encourage you to join an organization that aligns with your interests. Some of our local, regional, and national organizations are listed below in alphabetical order. Don’t see a student organization that reflects your interests? Start one!

Wellesley Student and Alumnae Organizations Associated with Health Professions: