Ashanti Shih

Ashanti Shih的照片

Ashanti Shih



我的研究将种族和定居者殖民主义的批判性研究带入了与自然科学和环境历史的对话。我对在土著土地以及与土著和种族化社区有关的科学和环境工作的复杂伦理感兴趣。My first book, currently under preparation as "Invasive Ecologies: Science and Settler Colonialism in Twentieth-Century Hawai‘i," explores this issue through a history of invasion biology, natural preservation, and the U.S. national park system in Hawai‘i over the long twentieth century. The book is based on my dissertation, which won several awards, including the Rachel Carson Prize for best dissertation in environmental history from the American Society for Environmental History. My newer projects focus on Asian American relationships to nonhuman nature, species belonging, and the natural sciences.

我的教学兴趣涵盖了环境史,科学史,亚裔美国研究和定居者殖民研究。在韦尔斯利(Wellesley),我将教授环境历史和环境正义的课程,强调非殖民和社会正义方法。I believe that courses such as “Botany, Ecology, and Empire” or “Environmental Movements in US History” can complement students’ science training by helping them understand the historical, social, and political contexts of their work as environmental experts and their relationship to marginalized communities.

最近,我一直在从事更多的公共历史工作,包括与植物园和草药植物合作制作解释性材料。我也是一组历史学家团队的成员,该团队针对洛杉矶的原始唐人街,该项目由南加州中国历史学会和加利福尼亚州和西方的亨廷顿 - USC研究所赞助。