
The Honor Code System

The Honor Code System is maintained by Honor Code Council with and through administrative offices of the college.

The Honor Code System is authorized by student governance and the Offices of the Dean of Students and Dean of the College.

Honor Code Council


Honor Code Council upholds the fundamental values of academic honesty and personal integrity critical to the College's mission. When a student is alleged to have violated the Honor Code, the role of Honor Code Council is to provide a fair and effective mechanism for resolving the charge.

Composition and Selection

TheChief Justicewill be the primary student administrator of the Honor Code and will chair Honor Code Council. She will preside over hearings as a nonvoting member. In addition, she will be a member of the College Government cabinet, and she will be eligible to attend Academic Council. TheDeputy Chief Justicealso presides over hearings as a nonvoting member.

The Chief Justice will be elected in the spring of her junior year. In order to be eligible to run for election, a student must be full-time, have a cumulative GPA of at least 3.0, and have served on Honor Code Council for at least one year. Candidates will be interviewed and recommended by the outgoing Chief Justice, the Dean of Students, and the Honor Code Administrative Coordinator. If no suitable candidate runs, eligibility will be extended to all rising seniors, whether or not they have served on Honor Code Council, as long as they meet the other criteria. The Deputy Chief Justice must be a rising junior or senior with one year of experience on Honor Code Council. The Chief Justice will appoint the Deputy Chief Justice through the Student Organizations and Appointments Committee (SOAC) for a one-year term.

TheHonor Code Administrative Coordinatoris a guide to Honor Code Procedures. S/he gathers information related to charges, answers questions related to hearing procedure, and assists with notifications pertaining to cases and decisions. The Administrative Coordinator will also consult for best practices within the field of student conduct administration. Within Honor Code Council, s/he makes recommendations for best practice, and facilitates trainings with the Chief Justice. The Administrative Coordinator provides procedural counsel to all parties involved in cases of alleged violation of the Honor Code. S/he attends hearings as a nonvoting member.

With the Chief Justice, the Honor Code Administrative Coordinator forms theCase Coordinating Team.协调团队,咨询Honor Code Council, makes and implements procedural revisions. The Case Coordinating Team determines whether potential charges warrant inclusion in a hearing process and whether there is sufficient evidence to actually bring charges against accused students. The Case Coordinating Team reviews and ratifies Faculty Student Resolution Proposals.

Student memberswill be appointed by the Student Organizations and Appointments Committee (SOAC) for one-year terms. Student positions will be as follows: two class representatives from each of the sophomore, junior, and senior classes; one ALANA representative; one Davis Scholar representative; one House Presidents' Council representative; two student advocates. Student Advocates will advise students charged with Honor Code violations and will not hear cases. All students will be voting members of Honor Code Council. Student members will be responsible for promoting the Honor Code and hearing cases.

Eightfaculty memberswill be appointed by the Agenda Committee of Academic Council for staggered three-year terms. One faculty member will be the representative to the Hearing Review Panel.

TheDean of Students(or her/his designee) will serve as the administrative representative of the College and will be an advisor to Honor Code Council. S/he will be a voting member of Honor Code Council.

TheClerknormally will be the assistant to the Director of Residential Life and Housing. S/he will schedule hearings, keep all records relating to hearings, handle official correspondence, and assist the Chief Justice and the Administrative Coordinator with Honor Code Council business. The clerk will be anex officiomember of Honor Code Council.

The Hearing Review Panel

The Hearing Review Panel will serve as the appellate body for Honor Code Council. The Hearing Review Panel will be composed of the Provost (or her/his designee), one member of the faculty appointed by the Agenda Committee of Academic Council, and one student member of Honor Code Council. Eligible faculty members will have served at least one semester on Honor Code Council. Eligible students must have served on Honor Code Council for at least one semester.