Community Outreach

Fatal vision demonstration

Community Outreach Programs

The Wellesley College Police Department is a full-service public safety agency serving the Wellesley College community. Learn about our various community outreach programs below.

Community-Policing Officer Program (CPOP)

This program assigns individual police officers to specific residence halls, residence hall clusters, or small house. The assigned officer serves as the primary point of contact for all crime prevention programming and other issues relating to safety and security. The community-policing officer will conduct regular meetings with the Head of House, residence hall staff members and residents. The officer will also conduct building safety surveys to help create a safe living environment.

Format of a typical CPOP meeting:

  1. Introductions that include professional and personal information about the officers.
  2. Information about the department, the escort program, the department's history and our goals related to maintaining our reputation for building solid relations with students.
  3. We offer general safety tips for on and off campus situations. Promote other safety programs and RAD.
  4. Its easy to talk about our department because of how long we have all worked together.
  5. Students ask questions (Q &A)
RAD (Rape Aggression Defense training)

This program consists of realistic, self-defense tactics and techniques. RAD is specifically designed for women and teaches awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance. The program progresses to the basics of hands-on self-defense. The department sends out notices when RAD classes will be conducted. Generally, the department will conduct at least two classes each semester. If you have questions regarding when RAD classes will be held, please contact Administrative Sergeant Bruce Whitney,

***classes count toward Physical Education School Credits**

Fatal Vision

Fatal Vision is a popular program that simulates various levels of intoxication. Students wear (special day or night) alcohol simulation impairment goggles and participate in basic sobriety tests and/or a makeshift obstacle course that simulates a real life situation. In addition to the fun and laughs generated when participating, the Wellesley College Police Officers talk about the facts of binge drinking, alcohol and sex, and effects of alcohol on the teenage/young brain and how young people who engage in underage drinking are more susceptible to addiction and poor decision making.

Safety Teas and Fireside Chats

The officers talk about general personal safety. Usually, a dozen or so students show up. Word of mouth takes over, and we generally see larger attendance numbers as the year goes by. Students sometimes speak of personal experiences and the officer might provide tips on how to address the situation should it occur in the future. The most popular part of our CPOP talks, are the stories we share of calls we have responded to. This generates questions, a positive reaction, and often jokes and laughing.