Religious Accomodation Form

Religious Observance Calendar Application

Religious Observance at Wellesley College:

Wellesley College recognizes there are religious days of observance important to individuals and groups on campus for which students have observance requirements or unavoidable burdens of travel. For more information, please see theWellesley College Religious Observance Policy.

To help faculty and students manage religious observances during the academic semester, the College has designed an on-line notification mechanism. Students can alert professors of anticipated absences and accommodations through theReligious Observance Notification Form.

Religious Observance Notification:

To notify an instructor of a religious observance students must:

  1. Complete aReligious Observance Notification Formfor each day of observance within the Drop-Add period for every semester. If a religious observance falls over several consecutive days, students must select all days on the notification form.

  2. Indicate the type of accommodations needed. Students will be given an email template to edit indicating if they will be absent from class and/or require other accommodations.

  3. Speak with their instructors to make alternative arrangements for any missed coursework.

Religious Accommodations:

Each party (the student and the faculty member) has a responsibility to the other in negotiating the sometimes conflicting demands of religious observance and academic study. Students who notify instructors of their religious observances should not be required to attend classes or take examinations on the designated days, and faculty should make every effort to provide reasonable opportunities for such students to make up missed work and examinations.

Although it is the students’ responsibility to identify their needs for accommodation in regards to religious practice, we ask all faculty members to create an atmosphere where such a request is welcome.

For more information, please contactThe Office of Religious and Spiritual Life.

Student Religious Observance Notification Form

Faculty Summary of Religious Observances