Equipment Circulation

Knapp Equipment Desk


Knapp equipment is available toall students, faculty, and staff, regardless of coursework or department(尽管在适用时,学术用途确实优先于非学术用途)。





We circulate cameras, tripods, audio recording equipment, projectors, dongles & cables, extension cords, nexus tablets, external hard drives, and more.

CheckR&Rfor a full list of equipment available at Knapp.

  • To borrowChromebooks, Windows laptops, iPads, or bluetooth keyboards,参观Computing Helpdesk(2nd floor, Clapp Library).
  • To borrowiPhone chargers, Macbook chargers, or calculators,访问主要的Clapp循环咨询台(2楼,Clapp库)。
  • To borrow equipment or request setup for events on campus, contactMedia Services(1楼,CLAPP库)。

I’ve never used ______, how do I learn?
There may bedocumentation在Knapp存储库中,或者您可以退房our Youtube playliststhat highlight video tutorials we find particularly helpful.

We recommend reserving equipment in advance. Without a reservation, we can't guarantee we'll have what you are looking for in stock when you arrive.


你能够make equipment reservations viaR&R.Please emailclappequipment@wellesley.edu如果您需要帮助进行预订。

When and where can I pick up/drop off equipment?


我们的时间通过我们的时间保持更新public Google calendar,or you can emailclappequipment@wellesley.edu在规则时间以外申请拾取或下拉预约。

Please do not leave Knapp equipment at the desk unattended. Any equipment left unattanded will remain your responsibility until successfully located and safely checked back in with a Knapp employee.Repeatedly leaving equipment unattended may result in a borrowing block.

Default borrowing periods can be found by clicking on a specific piece of equipment inR&R.
If you think you’ll need the equipment for longer than the default time length, talk to whoever is staffing the Knapp Equipment Desk when you arrive to pick up the equipment.We do not generally check equipment out for periods longer than 3 weeks at a time, but will make exceptions in certain cases.
In order to provide the entire community with access to Knapp resources,we typically do not allow semester-long borrowing of our equipment除非由课堂或独立研究的教授要求。
  • 优先权授予使用Knapp设备进行学术目的,但在没有另外保留时,大多数设备可用于个人项目。
  • 能够travel with equipment or otherwise use it off campus! Whether the equipment is on campus or off camus,借用政策still apply and patrons are负责丢失,损坏或被盗设备的成本。
A $4,000 default replacement fee will be automatically placed on your account for any overdue equipment. Replacement fines will be waived when the equipment is returned (please request this; fees are not automatically cleared).
  • 如果设备逾期more than 7 days,您将被禁止为学期剩余的knapp设备禁止。
  • 如果设备逾期超过1个月,您将被禁止在Wellesley的剩余时间内禁止查看Knapp设备。
如果你有been banned but need Knapp equipment for academic purposes, your professor should
What happens if I lose or break equipment?

If any piece of an equipment kit is missing or broken, we will not accept the equipment for returnuntil you have searched for the missing item or made a reasonable effort to fix the broken part.

如果你有永久性lost or broken a piece of equipment, you will be charged a replacement fee for the cost of the piece or for the entire equipment kit (if necessary).

读我们借用政策for more information.

Check and see if the Computing Helpdesk, the Clapp Service Desk or Media Services offers the equipment you’re looking for.
Additionally, the Wellesley Free Library (530华盛顿街, Wellesley, MA 02482) also circulates physical equipment via their 文库.亚博电竞官网Wellesley大学生在镇图书馆自动拥有图书馆卡。激活您的帐户,访问或致电或Wellesley Free Library以验证您的姓名,Wellesley College邮寄地址和大学电子邮件,他们将为您提供图书馆卡号。亚博电竞官网个人负责遵守所有Wellesley免费图书馆政策。
If the equipment you're searching for relates to multimedia production and would benefit the greater campus community, reach out towellesleymakers@wellesley.edu讨论Knapp获取设备的选项。

Emailclappequipment@wellesley.edu让我们知道并讨论选项。If you graduated or otherwise will not be returning to campus, you should mail equipment back using this address:

Knapp Equipment Desk
Clapp Library
Wellesley MA 02481